Friday, 9 April 2010

The End

Phew. Now I know how Hercules felt at the end of his 12 labours. I'm really glad to have stuck with the programme, albeit in fits and starts, as a great way to play with the numerous web 2.0 tools I've been meaning to tackle for a while.
The prgramme demonstrates brilliantly that Web 2.0 is all about being able to access, create and share stuff without having to be a programmer, and not being tied to a particular computer in order to do it.
The downside is having to set up so many different accounts! even though Google and Yahoo are doing their best to consolidate different systems/take over your life.
My least favourite Things were RSS feeds (an unwelcome tidal wave), ThinkFree office (not as appealing as google docs), and Twitter (too much mindless babble - though having attended an excellent talk by a colleague this week I'm now open to conversion).
My personal favourites for leisure are Flickr and Delicious, as ways of sharing pics and links with others.
For collaborative working, until we get the common desktop that's been so elusive thus far, Google docs and wikis provide some genuinely useful tools.
As potential communication channels with library users and livening up our webpages, I'm also looking forward to experimenting with podcasts or videos, widgets, Facebook and Twitter. Not sure about blogs given the well known challenge of keeping them alive.
The very best thing has been reading entries from the blogs of other 23Thingers. I've found them hugely entertaining, reassuring, informative and motivating. Full of tips which answered the very question I needed help with. Thank you all.
I hope the 23ThingsOxford site remains in existence, as a useful reference point for us all, including those who haven't yet made it to the end or are yet to start.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, the 23 Things blog will remain! Well done for making it to the end!
